We are vibrant and growing church family and would love to have you visit!
Westminster is a home. It is a place where everyone is welcome and humble people share this journey called faith together. People who enter this home, often report finding a place of peace, encouragement, kindness, food, thought, and study. They find it to be a place of generosity, laughter, and music. They discover they have entered a place of sincere welcome and love. We hope that you will find the same.
At Westminster, there is space for each person, to be who they are, and to grow in faith and service. We encourage each other to live a meaningful life, to share in the full ministry of the church, and to be the particular blessing God means for each of us to be for the world.
In this home, we know each other. We care for each other and we do our best to love our neighbors near and far. We understand that we are not perfect (nobody is) and that everyone is a work in progress. That goes hand in hand with believing deeply, that God’s grace is always there. This grace provides room for all of God’s children to be included, helps us to begin and again, and keeps us going, even when we stumble or fall.
In this home, you will surely find scriptural teachings here (we do love the Word), and you will surely be presented with a wide variety of thoughts from theologians, scholars, writers, thinkers, and artists (we do love to learn). You will also likely find that most people here share a sincere belief in a God that is sovereign, loving, gracious, and revealed to us in Jesus Christ, who is with us even now through the mysterious workings of the Holy Spirit, and calls us to follow and live in his holy, life-giving ways.
But at the same time, in this home, you will find that each is given space to grow and develop their beliefs in a way that resonates sincerely within their heart. We believe that God is great enough that people of faith can have different thoughts on how to walk on together in service to Christ and love for one another.
As a matter of fact, we believe that these sorts of differences make us better as a family, and we believe that this sort of steadfast love is exactly what Jesus commands of his disciples (John 13:34-35).
The door to this home is open. We will be glad to see you!

Rev. Dr. Christopher L. Crotwell, Pastor
Tommy Suttle, Director of Discipleship
Wes Brooks, Director of Communications
Michael Ginn, Director of Music
Katie Ginn, Director of Children & Youth Ministry
Martha Davis, Church Administrator
Robert Cummings, Jr., Financial Officer
Kay Guiles, Organist
Ray Robinson, Sexton
David Daves
Dan Davis
Beth Richmond
Iris Easterling
Jeff Haydel
Rhoda Pickett
Tom Estes
Karen Reidenbach
Connie Roberts
Althea Jerome, J.T. Johnson, Robert Cummings, Jr.
Alice Crotwell
Pam Dossett
Susan Higgs
Howard Keever​
Dixie Coats
Christopher Cox
Carrie Creel
Michael York​
Matthew Boucher
Judy Haydel
Ryan Reid
​Sarah Beth Suttle

115 North 25th Avenue
Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Tel: 601-584-7574
Mon - Thur: 9am - 2pm
​Sunday: 9:15am
Worship: 10:30am